Tailor Cooperative’s COVID-19 Response

Tailor Cooperative’s COVID-19 Response

Governor Herbert has effectively instituted a shelter in place order related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we would like to update our clients, neighbors, and friends as to what this means for our shop.

These are unprecedented times, and there’s really no blueprint for a small business to follow. But it’s not complicated.

The fundamentals are clear: Stay home. Stay safe. Take it seriously.

And if you know anyone on the front lines working in healthcare or other essential businesses, please thank them for all of us. And thank them again.

In difficult times like these, we’re defined by how we choose to act. These are days we’ll remember for decades to come, and we think now is a time for all of us to act with courage, with kindness, and with dignity.


Until the shelter in place order has lifted, our shop will remain closed. Please know that our team is staying busy, staying isolated, and that they are getting paid in full. No Tailor Cooperative team members have been, or will be, laid off, furloughed or negatively impacted during this time. We have a great team. They made a bet on us when they joined TC, and they mean the world to us.

During this time our thoughts are also with our partners worldwide, many of whom have been impacted far worse, and have already waded much deeper into this crisis than any of us. They have our respect, support and solidarity.

To our clients with garments under production, please know that your order will be completed and handled safely. If you need special accommodations or have a critical need-by date, please email founders@tailorcooperative.com or text our shop number. We are working around the clock to keep the trains running on time.

If you’re a client, your measurements are on file, and we welcome the opportunity to work with you over phone or video to select a fabric and design your next wardrobe addition. Your support would mean the world to us during this time.

To our prospective clients with weddings and events later in the year with hopes to start their custom suit or tuxedo in spring with us, we will gladly host your fitting as soon as we’re able to do so responsibly.

And finally, to other small businesses we work alongside here in Salt Lake City: we are here for you. If we can help, if you want to talk through strategy, or if you just want to hop on a Zoom call to share a virtual beer, we’re fully stocked and need your support too.


In closing, we stand firmly with our community leaders in saying sheltering in place is the right decision. Please stay home. Please take this seriously. We are in a critical moment of this crisis where the actions we take today will have a direct impact on the trajectory of where this virus heads in the coming months.

Now’s the time for all of us to prioritize lives over finances, our social responsibility over our fiscal responsibility, and please…stay safe, and together we’ll get through this chapter.

Adam Malmborg & Chase Murdock, Co-Founders